36. Alistair Begg, Pharisees, and True Compassion

This week Matt and Jonathan leave the typical format of the pod and respond to the current controversy surrounding Alistair Begg's advice to a grandmother to attend the wedding of her grandson and his transgender partner. We discuss Begg's original comments and then his recent sermon doubling-down on his counsel to this woman. 

Is there any context that allows a Christian to attend an LGBTQ wedding? How can you continue to be a witness to your friends and family if they feel like you reject them? Are there only two options: either go to the wedding or cut your family off forever? In this episode we do our best to offer a grace-filled yet biblically consistent answer to these questions. The fact of the matter is this: Alistair Begg, though a wonderful pastor, has not clarified the issue for Christians. Rather, he has blurred the subject and, perhaps, unwittingly confused already conflicted Christians.


37. Free Will, Predestination, and Election


35. “This is My Body”?